It sounds like you are in a good position to upgrade, as you can already handle TH8s in war. Gold is the easiest resource to get, so it is not a huge loss. So it is really up to you.
I usually pull the trigger as soon as I start wasting a resource, I mean there are lots of TH levels to go, so might as well keep the resources you earn, put to good use. Since you are comfortable with your war army and have maxed defenses and hero, you are not hurting yourself by moving on.
You are behind in the lab, but if you prioritize the troops you use, you'll still be in a good place. Rage is a great spell but it doesn't really need to maxed out early on. Going to TH8 with Zap-Quake (2 lightnings + 1 Earthquake) to destroy an AD is real useful so I might prioritize Lightning over Rage. But if you prefer Rage then go ahead.
Keep in mind from the point you pull the trigger on the TH upgrade you have 8 days, and another 4 days after that for your lab to upgrade (if you start immediately after TH finishes). Since you can have an upgrade in progress when you start the lab upgrade you have 12 days left at your current lab level. So you could do all 3 spells if you wanted. Then you need to decide what you want to prioritize in the new lab.
Giants get a big increase at level 5 as do Balloons. Since you are behind on loons I assume you'll catch those up later. And you indicate you use DragonRider, so I would prioritize hogs for extra power in war and pushing and whatever you like to farm with, as your first upgrades. Then circle back and catch up things as time and resources permit.