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双语故事:呼噜乐队The Snoring Band
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The Snoring Band

The little pig loved to snore when he was asleep.

It often disturbed the others.

They couldn't sleep well with him.

One day,he lived in one room with his friend lamb.

He thought,"If I can make my snore into music, the lamb will sleep well."

And soon he got an idea.

He hang a wind-bell before his big nose.

And then fell asleep.

When the little pig began to snore loudly the bell began to ring giving wonderful music-"ling ling".

The lamb slept well together with the snoring pig that night.

The next morning, the pig asked the lamb,"Lamb,did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes!They were very well indeed. The sound of the wind-bells was so beautiful."

The lamb said happily.

The little pig then thought of his friend bear,who loved to snore ,too.

So he told him his idea. The bear remembered his words. The next night the bear's friend--deer slept in bear's room. The bear put a harmonica before his nose.

Then the snores becames the music from the harmonica. The deer slept very well that night.

The bear told the secret to his friend badger who snored too.

The badger did so too. One night he was sleeping in the same room with the dog. He hang a piccolo before his nose and then fell asleep. Then his snores became the music of the piccolo. So the dog slept well with the music on that night.

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