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Three Little Piggies
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Mommy pig had three little piggies. Piggies, piggies, oink, oink, oink. One day they built three little houses. Ping-pong! Ping-pong! The houses were done. The first piggy built a little straw house. Piggies, piggies, oink,oink, oink. One day there came the big bad wolf. Huff!puff! The houses fell done. The second piggy built a little wooden house. Piggies, piggies, oink,oink, oink. One day there came the big bad wolf. Huff ! puff ! The houses fell done. The third piggy built a little brick house. Piggies, piggies, oink,oink, oink. One day there came the big bad wolf. Huff ! puff ! The houses stayed up.

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