”你是猪!“ “你才是猪!!” ──在你和你的朋友们为”谁是猪“这个古老问题争论不休的时候,这个神奇的app能告诉你谁才是真正的”猪“!!!
有一帮狐朋好友或者是一对可爱恋人那你一定要试一下这个app! 只要每个人把一个手指放在iPhone上,本app就会自动找出那根”猪“的手指。然后,具体让这只可怜的"猪"干什么,就由你们来决定把。;D (唱首歌、把筷子插鼻子里、去和陌生人搭讪或者买单……随便什么都可以) Simple, funny and useful decision maker app! Must have for gangs and friends! Get one finger from each of you and your friends onto your iPhone, this magic app will tell you who is "the pig"!!! And then, the poor "pig" must do anything you guys want him/her to do. (showing some funny dance, chatting up strangers, truth, dare, just be silly to make everyone laugh, or even paying the bill... you guys decide :D )温馨提示:搜索乖乖手游网(guaiguai.com) ,就可以下载所有APP了哦~