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春节习俗:腊月二十六 杀猪割年肉

2016-01-19 15:19:21 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 小年
标签: 小年    春节   

The 26th day of the 12th month in Lunar Calendar: The folk saying goes like 腊月二十六,杀猪割年肉.



Chinese people usually go to market to get some meat to prepare for New Year feast.


Food must be prepared ahead of time, as one of the popular Chinese New Year superstitions dictates that all knives must be put away.


In the old days, many people could not afford meat dishes and so they really looked forward to the New Year Feast of meat. It is not difficult to understand why meat represents wealth in folk belief. This is a claypot of a famous festival meat dish, 红烧肉, ( hong shao rou, or literally Red Cooked Meat, the braised pork belly cubes with sugar and soya bean sauce).


Nowadays, meat dish is very common in daily diet. However, Chinese people will still prefer having meat in accordance with the festival season. This may be the reason why Bak Kua ( 肉干,rou gan, barbecued dry meat product) is very popular among South East Asian during Chinese New Year period.


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