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春节习俗:大年初三 老鼠嫁女儿

2016-01-20 15:30:46 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 小年
标签: 小年    春节   

Today is the 3rd day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar.

今天是大年初三。 After being busy visiting and receiving guests for two days, Chinese people can rest for a while.


在前两天忙于走亲访友之后,人们在今天可以稍稍休息一下了。 Actually, it is considered an unlucky day to have guests or go visiting. People will go to rest earlier at night and get up late in the morning.


The folklore is the 3rd day is for rat marriage day (老鼠娶亲,lao shu qu qin). So people will restrict night activities in order to give rats time for their wedding.


People will leave rice, cakes or peanuts in the corners for the rats to take. They wish to build up a good rapport with rats hopping rats will give them a peaceful year.


This folk belief is probably due to the fact that rats can be disastrous to Chinese people in old days.


Rat’s wedding is a very famous Chinese festival story and there are many poems, painting and performances on this topic.


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