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春节习俗:大年初十 祭石头生辰

2016-01-20 15:42:43 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 小年
标签: 小年    春节   

Today is the 10th day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar. It is believed to be the birthday of the God of Stone (石神,shi shen).



As China is a typical agricultural society and stones were used in making food and medicines, and even for decoration.


It is considered as a very important part of Chinese daily life.


On the very next day of the birthday of the Jade Emperor, people will celebrate the birthday of the God of Stone.


On this day, it is forbidden to move any stone, including stone roller, stone mill and even Chinese herb/drug grinder which was made by stone, so this day is also known as ‘Shi Bu Dong’ (a homophone of 石不动, meaning not move any stone, and 十不动, literally meaning ten not moving, implying it is the 10th day of Chinese New Year).


In addition, it is also forbidden to cut into a mountain for rock and build a house with rocks, or bad things will happen to the crops.


On this day, families will burn incense and candles for the stones, and offer pancake to the God of Stone. Nowadays, this celebration with regional variations still can be seen at rural areas where people are still using stone tools to a very large extent.


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